User's Manual Part 1

Page 19
Figure 31. Undo the Tabs of the Brush
3. To install a new brush, position the new
brush on the roller with the spikes facing
downwards (Figure 32).
Figure 32. Install the New Brush
4. Thread each tab into the slot provided and
gently feed it through until the heel comes out
at the other side of the slot (Figure 33).
Figure 33. Pull Tabs Through Each Slot
5. Useapairofscissorstocutthetabs3/4inch
from the heel so that they are no higher than
the spikes (Figure 34).
Figure 34. Cut Tabs
6. Repeat this procedure to install the second
6.4 Replacing the Tires
1. Pull on the inside of the old tire to remove the
Figure 35. Pull the Old Tire Over the Wheel
2. Remove the old tire (Figure 36).
Figure 36. Remove the Old Tire
3. To replace the tire, position the tire on the
wheel making sure to orient the tire so that the
word INSIDE is toward the body of the cleaner
(Figure 37).