User's Manual

{It’s a little strange to introduce the Configuration Manager here,
but someone who installed their X6v using the Wizard, and did not
configure wireless security, would not have encountered the
Configuration Manager up to this point—HV}
b Open your Web browser and, in its address bar, type and then press the Enter key on your
b In the Enter Network Password dialog box, type the
following user name and password in lowercase, then click
OK. (The X6v User Name and Password you enter here
are not the same as the User Name and Password that
your Internet service provider may have given you.)
User Name: admin
Password: zoomDSL
If you are not prompted for a User Name and Password,
do the following in this order: Recheck all connections;
restart the modem and computer; and reset the modem by
inserting a paper clip into the Reset pinhole in the
modem’s back panel and pressing it three times.
Next, navigate to the Zoom Configuration Manager’s page
called Your VoIP Account. From the home page, click the VoIP
button at the top of the screen. This will bring up a new set of
buttons at the top of the page. Click the button labeled Advanced
VoIP Setup. On the left-hand pane, you will see a contents list.
Click VoIP Accounts. The page called Your VoIP Account will