User's Manual

Chapter 5: The X6v and Online Gaming
The commands above let you use a phone to directly control the
X6v. Some VoIP service providers also let you control some of
these features by using the setup screens for your account.
Note also that these features apply only to VoIP calls, not calls that
travel through the traditional phone network by way of your
TELCO jack. Features for the traditional phone network are
normally available from your traditional phone company.
Resetting Your X6v
To reset the X6v to your most recently saved configuration, put the
end of a pin or paper clip into the VoIP RESET hole (the top one
of two reset holes) in the back panel and hold the button down for
5 seconds or more.
To restore the X6v to the most recent settings given to you by your
service provider, press and hold the VoIP RESET button for 5
seconds or more, release the button, and then press and hold for at
least 5 more seconds.