User's Manual

User’s Guide
Note that if you selected 64bit, you will need to type a
unique 10-character hex network key.
3. Click Next>.
If you are following the First Time Settings wizard, the next page
in the wizard sequence is displayed, which allows you to
Configure Wireless Address Authentication.
If you have accessed this page from the General Settings
section of the Wireless Network page, click on the Confirm
Changes button to apply changes and return to the Wireless
Network page.
Co nfig uring WPA se c urity
1. Once you have selected WPA and then clicked Next>, the
following page is displayed:
Figure 38: Wireless Network: Wi-Fi Protected Access page
2. Type a unique pass phrase in the Pass phrase text box.
Your pass phrase should be at least 20 characters long in
order to deter potential intruders.
3. Once you have typed a pass phrase, click Next>.
If you are following the First Time Settings wizard, the next page
in the wizard sequence is displayed, which allows you to
Configure Wireless Address Authentication.
If you have accessed this page from the General Settings
section of the Wireless Network page, click on the Confirm
Changes button to apply changes and return to the Wireless
Network page.
Co nfig ure Wire le ss A ddre ss Authe ntic a tio n
The following page allows you to configure which wireless PCs
can access the device: