Operation Manual

The A can use up to 33 sound sources in a single kit. Each of these is called an instrument and
produces sound from waveform data, such as a drum hit, from a WAV le loaded from an SD card, or
from the built-in synthesizer. In addition to its sound (oscillator), each instrument has various settings.
These include envelopes with attack and sustain times, lters, eects and pad colors.
Instruments are assigned numbers from 1 to 33. In EDIT and STEP modes, you can edit the sound
and sequence for the instrument selected by number.
Instrument number 33 is the one used in KEY layout in A Version 1.00. It can only be edited in
STEP mode.
The A Ring Controller has the two following layouts. In STEP or INST mode, press E to switch
between them. Up to 16 sounds can be generated simultaneously in either layout.
PAD layout
In this performance mode, you can assign dierent instru-
ments to each of the 32 pads. Instruments 1–32 are
assigned individually to pads 1–32.
The selected instrument is shown on the display and the
corresponding pad lights white.
SCALE layout
This performance mode allows you to use a musical
scale to play the instrument selected in PAD layout. The
pads become like a keyboard in a musical scale order.
The Ring Controller LEDs light with a pale color for white
keyboard keys and a dark color for black keyboard keys.
The scale can also be set to major or minor, for example.
Unlike in A Version 1.00, any of the 1–32 instruments can be switched to
SCALE layout.
The note (pitch) that sounds when a pad is played in PAD layout is C4.
Instrument overview