Operation Manual

List of parameters that can be assigned to the
Ring Controller
Filter - Frequency
Filter - Resonance
Filter - Level
Mono Delay - Time
Mono Delay - Feedback
Mono Delay - Mix
Stereo Delay - Time
Stereo Delay - Feedback
Stereo Delay - Mix
Reverse Delay - Time
Reverse Delay - Feedback
Reverse Delay - Mix
Reverb Hall - Decay
Reverb Hall - Tone
Reverb Hall - Mix
Reverb Room - Decay
Reverb Room - Tone
Reverb Room - Mix
Reverb Plate - Decay
Reverb Plate - Tone
Reverb Plate - Mix
nn Quick Access 1*
Cannot be
assigned when in
looper mode
nn Quick Access 2*
nn Quick Access 3*
Arpeggiator - Note Shift
Arpeggiator - Repeat Rate
The “nn” is replaced by the instrument
number (1–32).
When Arpeggiator - Note Shift is assigned,
the notes output by the arpeggiator will
change in response to the tilt of the Ring
Controller. The notes will change according
to the scales set in the SCALE layout of each
instrument (
P. 31).
When Arpeggiator - Repeat Rate is assigned,
the speed of the arpeggiator output will
change in response to the tilt of the Ring
Controller. When the arpeggiator Style is not
“Sequence”, this is enabled only if “Pattern”
is set to 1/1–1/32.
Using the Ring Controller to control
1. Remove the Ring Controller from
the Base Station.
2. Set the Ring Controller grip area.
Setting the grip area (
P. 119)
3. Use the Ring Controller to control
assigned parameters.
If an eect parameter has been assigned,
press the button for that eect to turn it
If an arpeggiator parameter has been
assigned, press H to turn the arpeggia-
tor on. The parameter values will change
according to the tilt and direction.
Pattern settings (continued)