Operation Manual

Audio file
playback position
Start pointEnd point
· Press P to start audio le loop playback.
· Tap a pad to start playback of the loop from
that position.
· Tap a pad when stopped to play only the inter-
val assigned to that pad.
WAVE layout cannot be changed during play-
back. Moreover, playback and recording are
not possible when in WAVE layout.
Playing audio les
The total possible playback time of audio files
used as oscillators is 6 minutes if stereo or 12
minutes if mono.
Files that meet the following conditions can be
used as oscillators.
WAV format files with 44.1kHz sampling fre-
quency and 16/24-bit resolution
Playback time is 6 minutes (12 minutes if
mono) or less
File name uses only English letters and
The playback of audio files can be set as in
looper mode.
One Shot: The captured recording plays once
and stops.
Toggle: Tapping the pad alternately starts
and stops playback of the cap-
tured audio.
Gate: The captured audio plays back
in a loop while the pad is being
pressed. Playback stops when it is
When an audio le is set to Toggle and is playing
back, a screen like the following appears with a
mark that shows it is playing back.
Tap the pad again to stop playback. You can
also press S to stop playback.
When the playback method is set to Toggle,
press E to open WAVE layout for the Ring
Controller as shown in the following illustration.
One Ring Controller cycle corresponds to the
time between start and end points.
Editing sounds (continued)