Operation Manual

Setting the MIDI channel for the
selected pad
The MIDI channel can be set for the selected
If the unit receives a MIDI message on this chan-
nel by USB, the instrument assigned to the pad
will play at the pitch that corresponds to the note
In addition, if a sequence is recorded for the
selected pad, note numbers will be output on
the set MIDI channel during pattern playback.
Use 1 to set the MIDI channel.
This can be set to OFF or from 1 to 16.
The A can output sounds for note
numbers 0–108.
The A cannot record MIDI messages
received by USB as a sequence.
Using tonal variations on the Ring
Controller side and bottom rings
Parameter variations can be set for the side and
bottom rings of the Ring Controller in INST mode
so playing them is dierent from the top ring. By
changing where you tap, you can add variation
when playing.
Set the parameter and change the values
with 1, 2 and 3.
1 selects the parameter, and 2 and 3
set its value changes when the side and bot-
tom rings are tapped.
Editing sounds (continued)