Operation Manual

Take and folder operations
Overview of take metadata stored in les
Overview of take metadata stored in files
The writes a variety of information (metadata) to files
during recording.
When these files are read by an application that supports
metadata, you will be able to check and use the saved
Metadata is data that contains information related to other data.
saves scene names and take numbers, for example,
as metadata in audio files.
A chunk is a unit that contains multiple data in a single block.
To use BEXT and iXML chunk metadata, an application that sup-
ports both data formats is necessary.
WAV file metadata
The metadata saved in files recorded by the in WAV
format is collected in BEXT (Broadcast Audio Extension) and
iXML chunks.
For information about the metadata saved in these chunks,
see the “Metadata contained in BEXT chunks in WAV files”
( P.132), “Metadata contained in iXML chunks in WAV files”
( P.133).
MP3 file metadata
The metadata saved in files recorded by the in MP3
format is written as ID3v1 tags.
For information about the ID3 fields and formats for saving
metadata, see the "Metadata and ID3 fields contained in MP3
files" ( P.135).
MP3 files conform to the MPEG-1 Layer III standard.
MP3 metadata cannot be edited.