Operation Manual

Various settings
Changing the sampling rate
The file format used when recording to the recorder depends on this setting.
Before changing the sampling rate,
must be set to OFF.
1. Conrm that is set to off.
2. Change the position.
The options are 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz and 96 kHz.
When 96 kHz is selected, some unit operations are limited. The limited functions are as follows.
- Recordable tracks: tracks 1–12 only
- SEND EFX: disabled
- EQ: disabled
- OVER DUB: disabled
- Audio interface: disabled
- MONITOR OUT: output signal same as MASTER only
Format an SD card before recording to it at 96 kHz.
3. Set to ON.
The sampling rate cannot be changed during operation.
If a project is loaded that has a different sampling rate than the unit setting, recording and playback will not
be possible.