Operator`s manual

Changing Parameter Values
The screens for man y of the features con
tain parameter information that can
be changed via either a palette window or a keyboard window.
Figure 6. Palette window
Palette win dow—To change a parameter value, rst select t he appropriate
parameter’s value box. A palette window will appear. Select a value
from the palette window by touching the desired value; the window will
automatically close when a selection is made. To close a window without
making a selectio n, tou ch the screen outside the window.
Figure 7. Keyboard w
Keyboard window—Som
e screens display value boxes that require unique
data to be entered, typically from a keyboard window. To enter data from
a keyboard window, rst select the appropria te value box. A keyboard
window will appear
. Touch the rst chara cter of the new value; it will app ear
in the data-entry box in the graphic keyboard. Continue until the entire new
value appears in the box. To delete one character at a time, starting with
the last cha racte
r, select the left arrow key o n the graphic keyboard. Each
time the left arrow key is selected, a character will be deleted in the box.
To cancel any deletion s or add itions just made, select the Cancel Changes
button on the gr
aphic keybo ard. Whe n all the appropriate characters have
been sel ected, select the Accept Chang es button on the graphic keyboard.
NOTE: If, when t
he keyboard window initially appears, it contains data
in the data-entry bo x, select the Clear button on the graphic keyboard to
delete all the characters in the d ata-entry box.