Operation Manual

Reference [Rhythm]
copy destination rhythm pattern as the selected pattern.
By pressing the [EXIT] key instead of the [ENTER] key,
you can cancel the operation and back up one step at a
To return to the main screen, press the
[EXIT] key several times.
Deleting a rhythm pattern
This section explains how to delete all data from a
specified rhythm pattern, returning it to the blank state.
From the main screen, press the [PATTERN]
key so that the key lights up.
The rhythm pattern selection screen appears, and the
[RHYTHM] key flashes.
Turn the dial to select the rhythm pattern
you want to delete, and press the
[RHYTHM] key.
The [RHYTHM] key is now constantly lit, and a rhythm
pattern can be created or edited.
Press the [DELETE/ERASE] key in the
rhythm section.
The indication “DELETE SURE?” appears on the
To execute the delete process, press the
[ENTER] key.
When the delete operation is completed, the display
returns to the rhythm pattern selection screen.
By pressing the [EXIT] key instead of the [ENTER] key,
you can cancel the operation and back up one step at a
To return to the main screen, press the
[EXIT] key several times.
The MRS-1608 allows you to save up to 10 rhythm songs
per project. Out of these, one is selected for editing or
One rhythm song can have up to 999 rhythm pattern
measures. By specifying the rhythm pattern playing
sequence and adding chord and tempo information, you
can create a rhythm song.
The following two methods are available for entering
rhythm pattern information.
Step input
With this method, you create rhythm patterns one by one
by specifying a pattern and the number of measures.
Input can be performed at any point in the song. It is also
possible to switch to another pattern while the previous
pattern is still playing. This mode is suitable for
specifying patterns in detail.
FAST (Formula Assisted Song Translator)
This method uses simple formulas to specify rhythm
pattern playback from start to end. The result is written to
the song in a single operation. Because input midway
through a song is not possible with this method, it is most
suitable for cases where the configuration of the entire
song has been decided beforehand.
There is no difference in the completed rhythm song due to
input method that was used, i.e. a song will be the same,
regardless of whether it was created using step input or the
FAST method. If necessary, you can first create a rough
version of a song using FAST and then perform detailed
editing using step input.
Selecting a rhythm song
Select the rhythm song for editing or playing as follows.
In the default condition of a project, all rhythm songs are
From the main screen, press the [SONG]
key in the rhythm section.
The key lights up, and the rhythm song selection screen
appears. The display shows the following information.
Creating a rhythm song
1608E.book 103 ページ 2004年4月19日 月曜日 午前10時44分