Operation Manual

Reference [Mixer]
This section explains the functions and operation of the two mixer types built into the MRS-1608.
The mixer of the MRS-1608 is divided into two sections:
an “input mixer” that processes the input signals from the
INPUT jacks, and a “track mixer” that processes the
signals from the audio tracks and the drum/bass track of
the recorder section. Details of each mixer are described
Input mixer
Adjusts the sensitivity for signals from the INPUT jacks
and GUITAR/BASS INPUT jacks and assigns these
signals to the recorder tracks.
The input mixer serves to adjust the following
Input signal sensitivity
Input signal recording level
Input signal phase
Level of signal sent to STEREO SUB-OUT jack
If an input signal is not assigned to a track (recording
track not selected), the input signal will be sent straight to
the [MASTER] fader. In this condition, the following
parameters can be adjusted.
Input signal panning
Send/return effect intensity
In the 8-track recording mode, you can set the panning value
and send level for each input.
Track mixer
Serves to process the playback signals of the recorder
tracks 1 – 16 and the sound of the drum/bass track, and to
mix these signals to stereo. The mixer allows you to
adjust the volume with faders and set panning and EQ for
each track.
The track mixer lets you adjust the following parameters
for each track.
•Track volume
•Track panning
•Track phase
•V-take used for the track (audio tracks only)
High frequency range EQ boost/cut amount,
turnover frequency
Mid frequency range EQ boost/cut amount,
turnover frequency, and bandwidth
Low frequency range EQ boost/cut amount,
turnover frequency
Send/return effect intensity
Signal level sent to STEREO SUB-OUT jack
Stereo link (
p. 82) settings (audio tracks 1 –
8 only)
Audio tracks 9/10 – 15/16 and the drum track are stereo
channels. For these, parameter settings except phase and V-
take number (audio tracks only) are linked for the L/R
About the mixer
INPUT jacks
Recorder section
Input mixer
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8
Tracks 9/10
Tracks 11/12
Tracks 13/14
Tracks 15/16
1608E.book 77 ページ 2004年4月19日 月曜日 午前10時44分