User Manual

Setting the user bits (Ubits)
3. Use and to select
Ubits, and press
4. Use and to select
Edit, and press
5. Edit the value.
Move cursor or change value:
Select parameter to edit:
This can be set using numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F.
5. Use and to select
the mode, and press
Setting Explanation
uu uu uu uu These values can be set as desired on the Edit screen.
mm dd yy uu
The month, day and year are entered automatically in that
order using the RTC setting. The "uu" value can be set as
desired on the Edit screen.
dd mm yy uu
The day, month and year are entered automatically in that
order using the RTC setting. The "uu" value can be set as
desired on the Edit screen.
yy mm dd uu
The year, month and day are entered automatically in that
order using the RTC setting. The "uu" value can be set as
desired on the Edit screen.
Only "uu" items can be changed.