User Manual

On (Normal)
On (Advanced)
Before limiter use After limiter use
Sometimes peaks remain
Before limiter use After limiter use
Target level
Sudden peaks are
prevented by looking
ahead for maximum levels
Setting Explanation
Off This disables the limiter.
On (Normal) This applies an ordinary limiter. The ratio is 20:1.
By detecting the maximum level in advance, this optimized lim-
iter prevents distortion even more than ordinary limiter opera-
tion. The ratio is ∞:1, providing increased internal headroom.
When set to On (Advanced), the input latency of the increases 1 ms.
When monitoring sounds being recorded with a mic in real-time, increased
latency can cause interference between the sound being recorded that
is transmitted through the air and the delayed monitored sound, possibly
making accurate monitoring dicult.
When set to On (Advanced), the Sample Rate cannot be set to 192 kHz.
Moreover, when the Sample Rate is set to 192 kHz, the On (Advanced)
setting cannot be selected.