User Manual

Using USB functions
Using SD card recording and audio interface functions at the same time (Audio Interface with Rec)
Using SD card recording and audio interface functions at the same time (Audio Interface with Rec)
1. Press .
2. Use to select
, and
3. Disconnect the cable from the computer and the
cannot operate on USB bus power. Use the internal
batteries, the dedicated AC adapter or an external DC power
supply to power it.
Audio Interface with Rec cannot be used with the following
settings and functions.
- Sampling rate settings other than 44.1/48 kHz
- SD Card Reader ( P.144)
- Audio Interface ( P.145)
- ( P.152)
A driver is necessary for use with Windows. Download the driver
from the ZOOM website (
When Audio Interface with Rec is set to On, the sampling rate
cannot be changed.
When Audio Interface with Rec is set to On, files with sampling
rates that differ from the setting cannot be played.
Set the input source to USB1–4 ( P. 80) or set USB1–4 to the
output routing ( P109, 122, 123) to monitor sound played back
from the computer. ( P. 80)
When Audio Interface with Rec is set to On, the latency
will increase 2 ms. When monitoring sounds being recorded
with a mic in real-time, increased latency can cause interference
between sound transmitted through the air from the source
and the delayed monitored sound, possibly making accurate
monitoring of the sounds difficult.