User's Manual

signature/Save or My words.
Press the OK Key [Insert] to insert Files, New image, New audio or New video.
(7) Press the Right Soft Key [Send] to send your E-Mail.
2. Inbox
The Inbox folder contains all of your received E-Mails. From this folder you can view your
received E-Mails, reply or forward E-Mails to another recipient.
Note: You cannot receive new E-mails if the memory for E-mails is full.
3. Outbox
The Outbox folder contains all unsuccessfully sent E-Mails during the last attempt. From this
folder you can edit or resend your E-Mails.
4. Drafts
The drafts folder contains drafts and unfinished E-Mails. From this folder you can complete or
resend your E-Mails.
5. Sent
The Sent folder contains E-Mails sent successfully. From this folder you can edit or forward
E-Mails to another recipient.
6. User folders
You can move your received E-Mails from Inbox folder to the User folders.