User Manual

AV157 European edition 7
Controlling the AccuVoice TV Speaker
With Another Remote
The OTHER SETTINGS button can be used to adjust the AV157 so it responds
to one of many cable, satellite or TV remote controls. Visit for
guidance regarding this “works with your preferred remote” feature.
The supplied ZVOX remote control will always adjust the AV157, even if one
also uses his or her preferred TV remote to control VOLUME, MUTE and
POWER on the AccuVoice TV Speaker Model AV157.
STILL NEED ASSISTANCE? If your TV is not the same as the
descriptions in this guide, don’t hesitate to send an inquiry to info@
For further information about additional options, please refer to the
ZVOX Audio website,
USA Warranty
Manual On/Off Operation
As delivered, the AV157 turns ON and OFF automatically in response to the
audio signals from the TV and the POWER button on the remote control. If you
do not want the AV157 to automatically turn on and off in response to the TV’s
audio signal, the AV157 can also be congured so it only responds to the remote
control POWER button.
The POWER button on the ZVOX remote control allows you to switch
between Auto On/Off and Manual On/Off modes. To switch modes, rst
make sure the AV157 is “ON”. Then press and hold down the POWER
button for ve seconds. When you see noAS appear on the display, release the
POWER button. noAS indicates that Manual On/Off mode has been selected. To
switch back to Auto On/off mode, press and hold down the POWER button for
ve seconds again. Release the POWER button when you see AS appear on the
display. AS indicates that the Auto
On/Off mode has been selected.
Other Settings Button
The Other Settings button allows
Bass and Treble adjustment and
turns Output Leveling On and Off.
1) Bass Adjustment: The rst press of
the Other Settings button displays
the current Bass setting. The range
of bass adjustment goes from LO 4
to LO-6 (This display is shorthand for
Lows plus 4 and Lows minus 6). Use
the volume buttons to adjust the bass
output across this range. Then wait
for the adjustment display to turn off.
2) Treble Adjustment: Two presses
of the Other Settings button displays the current Treble setting. The range of
treble adjustment is HI 4 to HI-4. That is short hand for Highs plus 4 and Highs
minus 4. Use the volume buttons to adjust the treble output across this range.
Then wait for the adjustment display to turn off.
3) Output Leveling: Three presses of the Other Settings button displays the
Output Leveling feature. The display will be either OL (Output Leveling engaged)
or noOL (Output Leveling off). Then wait for the adjustment display to turn off.
When engaged, Output Leveling prevents large swings in volume. It also reduces
volume differences between TV channels on cable or satellite systems.
A fourth press of the Other Settings button returns you to the current volume
setting and exits Other Settings adjustment.
For warranty information applicable to an AV157 please visit this webpage: