User Manual

Tutorial C: Changing the Key/Scale/Melody of a Recording using the GUI Macros.
Here’s a quick run-down on how to change Key/Scale/Melody of a recording using a Pitch Map created using the Key Transform macros of the
GUI as starting point.
- Insert PITCHMAP into an effects slot of the audio track that needs pitch correction
- If you’re performing these tutorials in sequence, make sure you reset the Mute Filters by CTRL-clicking anywhere on the Upper Keyboard
Thumbnail and switching Mute off.
- Set Threshold to minimum, Feel & Purify to 50%, Glide & Electrify to 0%, Algorithm to Natural and Xclude Round. to Intelligent as starting
- If you already have an idea what target key/scale you want, select the appropriate key and scale from the Key Transform pull-down menus.
- You’ll probably hear pitch going all over the place. To remedy this, read on.
zynaptiq PITCHMAP Quick Start Guide v 1.0
Page 13
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