User Manual

- Activate MIDI MAP in the PITCHMAP GUI, and set Key Edit to Xclude. Also, Reset the sliders.
- Select the Instrument track in the Arrangement view, the red “R” button on the track header should be lit up.
- Start the playback, and play some MIDI notes. The results are influenced by Edit Repeat/Visible/Custom, the state of the sliders and the
Xclude Round. Mode (see the relevant section of this manual).
For Ableton Live Pro 8.x:
- You’ll need one audio track, one MIDI track and one Return bus
- Insert PITCHMAP into the Return bus.
- Place the audio to be processed on the audio track, set is output to “Sends Only”, and set the send feeding the bus that PITCHMAP resides on
to unity gain.
- On the MIDI track, select your MIDI ins and set the “MIDI To” parameter to send to PITCHMAP. Set “Monitor” to “In”.
zynaptiq PITCHMAP Quick Start Guide v 1.0
Page 18
Copyright 2012 Zynaptiq GmbH