User Manual

22 User Manual v 1.0.0
The Graphic Display
& Editor
The Graphic Display & Editor area serves two purposes:it displays various pieces of information
and allows creating and editing a breakpoint curve that generates a frequency dependent bias
(offset) to the INTENSITY parameter or serves as free-form EQ.
The display shows amplitude versus frequency plots for the input (magenta) and output (mint)
signals, as well as the estimated transfer curve, a.k.a. the measured filter response (red).
Amplitude/frequency ranges that are covered by both input and output plots are displayed in
cyan – this makes it easy to see what is being added or removed by the UNFILTER process.
You will note that this “analyzer” type display is extremely fast and accurate - on low-pitched
sounds you can actually see the individual harmonics!
Also shown are a legend as well as the current sample rate.