User Manual

29 User Manual v 1.0.0
Notes on INTENSITY BIAS mode
Notes on EQ mode
As described earlier, when the editor is set to INTENSITY BIAS mode, the breakpoint curve is
added/subtracted to/from the main INTENSITY control’s value, allowing you to adjust the
filtering/unfiltering amount frequency dependently. This feature allows for great flexibility in
processing – you could, for example, remove resonances in the upper mid range to enhance
intelligibility of dialog, exaggerate frequency response anomalies in the low end for increased
weight, and leave the low mid range untouched.
The BIAS value set with the Breakpoint Curve has a range of -1...+1, and this is added to the
current value of the main INTENSITY control, with values outside of the range -1...+1 being
clipped. This means that when INTENSITY is in it’s center/neutral position, the Breakpoint
Curve covers the entire range of the control.
In EQ mode, the breakpoint curve represents a highly flexible free-form EQ. In comparison to
classic bell/shelving or graphic equalizers, this type of EQ allows creating arbitrary response
curves. Try setting curve type to EASE I/O and raising just the rightmost node slightly – this
will result in a very natural and open sounding high shelf with a super-smooth “knee”. Or you
could set up a mid boost with different slopes at the top/bottom, and a flat-top in the middle,
or one that has super-steep slopes without the cut/boost needing to be super-narrow at the
same time.