User Manual

41 User Manual v 1.0.0
Tips on Setting up LEARN
So how to adjust these values in practice? Generally, you’ll be fine inserting the plug-in with
the default preset - which has LEARN set to ON and DCY set to infinite – and de-activating
LEARN once the transfer function (red line) in the display has “settled down”. From there,
adjusting INTENSITY is probably all you’ll need to do.
If you’re not satisfied, play with the two parameters to get a feel for how they influence the
result. RESET the LEARN first. Try setting both DCY and AVG to 0.5 . Try setting AVG to 0 and
DCY to 0.99, as well as the reverse. Activate NOISE and listen to the noise components by
switching in the NOISE MONITORING in the OUTPUT section. Repeat the steps pertaining to
DCY and AVG while in noise mode. It should become apparent within a minute or so which
combination gets you in the right ballpark, you can then fine-tune from there.