User Manual

22 User Manual v 1.5
The Standalone pp
On MacOS X, UNVEIL comes with a simple stand-alone application, the Zynaptiq Stand-Alone.
This application is intended for quickly previewing audio through the plug-in, and is explicitly
NOT intended to be an editing application. See it as a free bonus FYC.
The application allows playing files through UNVEIL, as well as recording the results to a new
file. As the application is not a full-blown host, it uses the Mac system audio preferences -
including device & sample rate. As any open application including browsers, the finder etc can
request to change the system sample rate, this means that in order to make sure your new file
has the correct sample rate written, you should follow the following steps:
1) make sure you set the system sample rate to the rate that your source & destination files
have/should have, from within the Audio MIDI Setup utility
2) start playback on the source file *before* you start recording