User Manual

9 User Manual v 1.62
All Windows installers will install the UNVEIL Authorizer app to <Program Files Folder>
Windows Vista, Windows 7/8 users running VST x64: please note that if you have an
UNVEIL version older than 1.6.2 installed, please follow the steps described below to
avoid conflicts with UAC (if enabled).
1) De-activate your plug-in before installing the new version. To do this, launch the
UnveilAuthorizer app located in /Progarm Files(x86)/Zynaptiq/UNVEIL/ and click “de-
2) Uninstall the older version. Uninstallers for the various formats can be found in the “UNVEIL
Data” folder which is loceated right next to the plug-in.
3) To ensure that all uninstalled files are actually gone, please log out and back in to your
4) Install VST x64 and make sure you activate the plug-in when the activation dialog is opened
during install (and NOT from within your host!)