User's Manual Part 1

Chapter 8 Wireless LAN
AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide
8.3.1 More AP Edit
Use this screen to edit an SSID profile. Click the Edit icon next to an SSID in the More AP screen.
The following screen displays.
Figure 51 Network > Wireless LAN > More AP: Edit
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
8.4 The WPS Screen
Use this screen to configure WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) on your ZyXEL Device.
Table 34 Network > Wireless LAN > More AP: Edit
Network Name (SSID) The SSID (Service Set IDentity) identifies the service set with which a
wireless device is associated. Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 printable 7-
bit ASCII characters) for the wireless LAN.
Note: If you are configuring the ZyXEL Device from a computer connected to
the wireless LAN and you change the ZyXEL Device’s SSID or security
settings, you will lose your wireless connection when you press Apply
to confirm. You must then change the wireless settings of your
computer to match the ZyXEL Device’s new settings.
Hide SSID Select this check box to hide the SSID in the outgoing beacon frame so a
station cannot obtain the SSID through scanning using a site survey tool.
Security Mode See Section 8.2 on page 99 for more details about this field.
MAC Filter This shows whether the wireless devices with the MAC addresses listed are
allowed or denied to access the ZyXEL Device using this SSID.
Edit Click this to go to the MAC Filter screen to configure MAC filter settings. See
Section 8.2.6 on page 106 for more details.
QoS Select this check box to activate Quality of Service (QoS).
Back Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Cancel Click this to restore your previously saved settings.