User's Manual Part 1

Chapter 6 WAN Setup
AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide
6.2 The Internet Access Setup Screen
Use this screen to change your ZyXEL Device’s WAN settings. Click Network > WAN > Internet
Access Setup. The screen differs by the WAN type and encapsulation you select.
Figure 30 Network > WAN >Internet Access Setup (PPPoE)
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 16 Network > WAN > Internet Access Setup
ADSL Mode Select the mode supported by your ISP.
Use Auto Sync-Up if you are not sure which mode to choose from. The ZyXEL
Device dynamically diagnoses the mode supported by the ISP and selects the
best compatible one for your connection.
Other options are ADSL2+, ADSL2, G.DMT, T1.413 and G.lite.
ADSL Type Select the type supported by your ISP.
Available options are ANNEX A, ANNEX A/L, ANNEX M and ANNEX A/L/M.