User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 6 Broadband
AMG1302/AMG1202-TSeries User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 11 Network Setting > Broadband > Internet Connection
Type Select the DSL mode supported by your ISP.
Use Auto Sync-Up if you are not sure which mode to choose from. The AMG1302/
AMG1202-TSeries dynamically diagnoses the mode supported by the ISP and selects
the best compatible one for your connection.
Other options are ADSL2+, ADSL2, G.DMT, T1.413 and G.lite.
The P-1302-T10B device supports Ethernet (ETH1) mode. To select this mode,
connect a modem or router to the WAN port and select Ethernet (ETH1).
Note: The ZyXEL Device reboots when transferring to and from Ethernet (ETH1) type.
Mode Select Router (default) from the drop-down list box if your ISP gives you one IP
address only and you want multiple computers to share an Internet account. Select
Bridge when your ISP provides you more than one IP address and you want the
connected computers to get individual IP address from ISP’s DHCP server directly. If
you select Bridge, you cannot use Firewall, DHCP server and NAT on the AMG1302/
Encapsulation Select the method of encapsulation used by your ISP from the drop-down list box.
Choices vary depending on the mode you select in the Mode field.
If you select Router in the Mode field, select PPPoA, RFC 1483, ENET ENCAP or
If you select Bridge in the Mode field, method of encapsulation is not available.
User Name (PPPoA and PPPoE encapsulation only) Enter the user name exactly as your ISP
assigned. If assigned a name in the form user@domain where domain identifies a
service name, then enter both components exactly as given.
Password (PPPoA and PPPoE encapsulation only) Enter the password associated with the user
name above.
Service Name (PPPoE only) Type the name of your PPPoE service here.
Multiplex Select the method of multiplexing used by your ISP from the drop-down list. Choices
are VC or LLC.
IPv6/IPv4 Dual Stack If you select Enable, the AMG1302/AMG1202-TSeries can connect to IPv4 and IPv6
networks and choose the protocol for applications according to the address type. If
you select Disable, the AMG1302/AMG1202-TSeries will operate in IPv4 mode.
PPP Authentication The AMG1302/AMG1202-TSeries supports PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)
and CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol). CHAP is more secure than
PAP; however, PAP is readily available on more platforms.
Use the drop-down list box to select an authentication protocol for outgoing calls.
Options are:
AUTO - Your AMG1302/AMG1202-TSeries accepts either CHAP or PAP when
requested by this remote node.
CHAP - Your AMG1302/AMG1202-TSeries accepts CHAP only.
PAP - Your AMG1302/AMG1202-TSeries accepts PAP only.
Virtual Circuit ID VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) and VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) define a virtual
circuit. Refer to the appendix for more information.
VPI This option is available if you select Router in the Mode field.
The valid range for the VPI is 0 to 255. Enter the VPI assigned to you.