User Guide Part 1

Chapter 3 Internet / Wireless Setup Wizard
AMG1312-T Series User’s Guide
Enter your Internet access information in the wizard screen exactly as your service provider gave it
to you. Leave the defaults in any fields for which you were not given information.
4 Configure the field and click N e xt to continue. See
Section 3.2 on page 27 for wireless connection
wizard setup.
Figure 9 Internet Access Wizard Setup: IPoA Configuration
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
Table 3 Internet Access Wizard Setup: IPoA Configuration
Encapsulation Select the encapsulation type your ISP uses from the Enca psula t ion drop-down list
box: I PoA, EN ET EN CAP, PPPoA, or PPPoE.
Multiplex Select the multiplexing method used by your ISP from the Multiple x drop-down list box
either VC-based or LLC-based.
VPI Enter the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) assigned to you. This field may already be
VCI Enter the Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) assigned to you. This field may already be
IP Address Enter the IP address of the AMG1312-T Series.
Default Gateway Enter the default gateway of the ZyXEL Device.
Primary DNS
Enter the primary DNS server IP address for the AMG1312-T Series.
Secondary DNS
Enter the secondary DNS server IP address for the AMG1312-T Series.
Back Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.
Next Click this to continue to the next wizard screen. The next wizard screen you see depends
on what protocol you chose above.
Exit Click this to close the wizard screen without saving.