User's Manual

C1000Z Quick Start Guide
. If the power adaptor or cord is damaged, remove it from the device and
the power source.
. Do NOT attempt to repair the power adaptor or cord. Contact your local
vendor to Order a new one.
. Do not use the device outside, and make sure all the connections are
indoors. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
. Do NOT obstruct the device ventilation slots, as insufficient airflow may
harm your device.
. Use only No. 26 AWG (American Wire Gauge) or larger
telecommunication line cord.
. Antenna Warning! This device meets ETSI and FCC certification
requirements when using the included antenna(s). Only use the included
. If you wall mount your device, make sure that no electrical lines, gas or
water pipes will be damaged.
Your product is marked with this symbol, which is known as the WEEE
mark. WEEE stands for Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment. It
means that used electrical and electronic products should not be mixed
with general waste. Used electrical and electronic equipment should be