User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 9 Monitor
EMG2926-Q10A User’s Guide
Figure 45 Monitor > DHCP Table
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
9.5 Packet Statistics
Click M onit or > Pa cket St at ist ics or the Packet St a t ist ics ( Det ails...) hyperlink in the Sta t us
screen. Read-only information here includes port status, packet specific statistics and the "system
up time". The Poll I nt erval( s) field is configurable and is used for refreshing the screen.
Table 24 Monitor > DHCP Table
# This is the index number of the host computer.
Status This field displays whether the connection to the host computer is up (a yellow bulb) or
down (a gray bulb).
Host Name This field displays the computer host name.
IP Address This field displays the IP address relative to the # field listed above.
MAC Address This field shows the MAC address of the computer with the name in the Host Nam e field.
Every Ethernet device has a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address which uniquely
identifies a device. The MAC address is assigned at the factory and consists of six pairs of
hexadecimal characters, for example, 00:A0:C5:00:00:02.
Interface This field shows the interface to which the host computer is connected.
Reserve Select this if you want to reserve the IP address for this specific MAC address.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the EMG2926-Q10A.
Cancel Click Cance l to reload the previous configuration for this screen.