Wireless Gateway Series User's Guide

ZyAIR Wireless Gateway Series User’s Guide
WAN Screens
Table 8-2 Service Type
Encapsulation You must choose the Ethernet option when the WAN port is used as a regular
Service Type
Select from Standard, RR-Toshiba (RoadRunner Toshiba authentication method),
RR-Manager (Roadrunner Manager authentication method) RR-Telstra or Telia
Login. Choose a Roadrunner service type if your ISP is Time Warner's Roadrunner;
otherwise choose Standard.
User Name Enter the username given to you by your ISP.
Password Enter the password associated with the login name above.
Retype to
Type your password again here to ensure that what you entered in the Password
field above was what you intended.
Login Server IP
The ZyAIR will find the Roadrunner Server IP address if this field is left blank. If it
does not, then you must enter the authentication server IP address.
Login Server
(Telia Login only)
Type the domain name of the Telia login server, for example "login1.telia.com".
This field is not available on all models.
Every(min) (Telia
Login only)
The Telia server logs the ZyAIR out if the ZyAIR does not log in periodically. Type the
number of minutes from 1 to 59 (30 recommended) for the ZyAIR to wait between
This field is not available on all models.
Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyAIR.
Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh.
8.2.2 PPPoE Encapsulation
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is an IETF Draft standard (RFC 2516) specifying how a
personal computer (PC) interacts with a broadband modem (DSL, cable, wireless, etc.) connection. The PPP
over Ethernet option is for a dial-up connection using PPPoE.
The screen shown next is for PPP over Ethernet encapsulation.