Wireless Gateway Series User's Guide

ZyAIR Wireless Gateway Series User’s Guide
Firewall Screens 12-3
2. Is it possible to modify the rule to be more specific? For example, if IRC is blocked for all users, will a
rule that blocks just certain users be more effective?
3. Does a rule that allows Internet users access to resources on the LAN create a security vulnerability? For
example, if FTP ports (TCP 20, 21) are allowed from the Internet to the LAN, Internet users may be able
to connect to computers with running FTP servers.
4. Does this rule conflict with any existing rules?
Once these questions have been answered, adding rules is simply a matter of plugging the information into
the correct fields in the web configurator screens.
12.3.3 Key Fields For Configuring Rules
Should the action be to Block or Forward?
“Block” means the firewall silently discards the packet.
Select the service from the Service scrolling list box. If the service is not listed, it is necessary to first define
it. See section 12.6.3 for more information on predefined services.
12.4 Guidelines For Enhancing Security With Your Firewall
1. Change the default password via web configurator.
2. Think about access control before you connect to the network in any way, including attaching a modem
to the port.
3. Limit who can access your router.
4. Don't enable any local service (such as SNMP or NTP) that you don't use. Any enabled service could
present a potential security risk. A determined hacker might be able to find creative ways to misuse the
enabled services to access the firewall or the network.
5. For local services that are enabled, protect against misuse. Protect by configuring the services to
communicate only with specific peers, and protect by configuring rules to block packets for the services
at specific interfaces.
6. Protect against IP spoofing by making sure the firewall is active.
7. Keep the firewall in a secured (locked) room.