Wireless Gateway Series User's Guide

ZyAIR Wireless Gateway Series User’s Guide
Wireless Configuration and Roaming 6-5
A large Fragmentation Threshold is recommended for networks not prone to interference while you should
set a smaller threshold for busy networks or networks that are prone to interference.
If the Fragmentation Threshold value is smaller than the RTS/CTS value (see previously) you set, then the
RTS (Request To Send)/CTS (Clear to Send) handshake will never occur as data frames will be fragmented
before they reach RTS/CTS size.
6.3 Configuring Wireless
If you are configuring the ZyAIR from a computer connected to the wireless LAN
and you change the ZyAIR’s ESSID or WEP settings, you will lose your wireless
connection when you press Apply to confirm. You must then change the wireless
settings of your computer to match the ZyAIR’s new settings.
Click ADVANCED and then WIRELESS to open the Wireless screen.