User's Manual

Chapter 11 Package Management
Media Server User’s Guide
11.14 pyLoad Screen
Use this screen to configure the NAS so you can use pyLoad to manage your downloads, including
those from one-click hosting sites.
Click Applications > pyLoad to open the following screen.
Figure 160 Applications > pyLoad
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
11.15 Technical Reference
This section provides technical background information on the topics discussed in this chapter.
Table 87 Applications > pyLoad
Enable pyLoad Select this to have the NSA manage your downloads. Clear it to turn the
feature off.
Management Page This is the IP address and port number of the NSA’s pyLoad management
login screen. The pyLoad management login screen uses the NSA’s IPv4
address and the port number you configure. Click this link to go to it.
Username Only the admin account can log into the pyLoad management screen.
Password You can configure a separate password for using the admin account to access
the NSA’s pyLoad management screen.
Password (Confirm) Type the same password again to make sure you entered it correctly.
Port Number Set the pyLoad management page’s port number. The range of valid port
numbers is 1024~65536. Include this port number after the IP address when
manually entering the pyLoad management login page’s address in your
browser’s address bar. For example,
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Reset Click this to restore the screen’s last-saved settings.