User's Manual

Chapter 17 Maintenance Screens
Media Server User’s Guide
Click Maintenance > Power to display the following screen.
Figure 186 Maintenance > Power
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 108 Maintenance > Power
Power Management
Turn off hard
Enter the number of minutes the NSA will sit idle before spinning the hard disks down to
sleep. The default power-off time is 15 minutes.
Minimum UPS Capacity
Minimum UPS
When you use an APC Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with a USB connection to the
NSA, the NSA shuts itself down if the APC UPS’s battery charge gets down to the
percentage you specify in this field. This allows the NSA to shut down properly and avoid
data loss caused by a power failure when the UPS stops supplying power.
A setting around 50% is recommended. A setting close to 100% is not recommended since
it would cause the NSA to shut down whenever the UPS is charging. A setting close to 0 is
also not recommended since the UPS would not have enough power to allow the NSA to
shutdown properly.
Power On After
Power Failure
Select an option to set whether or not the NSA restarts when the power is restored after a
power failure.
Keep Former
Select this option to have the NSA automatically restart only if it was operating when the
power failed. The NSA remains off if it was already off when the power failed.
Always Power On Select this option to keep the NSA operating as much of the time as possible. The NSA
restarts automatically even if it was turned off when the power failed.