Installation Manual

10) What is Standby Mode?
PLA6456 is a certified green product. It goes into standby mode when there is no
Ethernet connection on it. It will save the power wasted.
The Standby Mode is enable by default, and the inactivity time is 300 second, which
mean the PLA6456 will into Standby Mode if PLA doesn’t detect Ethernet connection
over 300 seconds.
Please Note, while in Standby Mode, you cannot use RESET/ENCRYPT button. To
enable RESET/ENCRYPT button again, you have to connect the PLA’s Ethernet port to
a device to wake up the PLA, or you can re-plug the PLA from the power socket.
11) How to install PLA6456?
a. The PLA6456 are simple plug and play devices. We suggest connecting each in the
same room / on the same circuit first to verify both units are working and able to
make a connection (Middle LED lights / blinks Green). After that, you can move the
adapters to outlets you plan to use, and verify the Powerline LED still lights up. If it
doesn’t, it indicates there is something in your home’s wiring preventing a
connection. You may need to use a different pair of outlets to make it work.
12) Will that work if they don’t have any devices plugged into the PLA6456?
Work, but will go to standby mode after 300 sec. If there is traffic, it will trigger
PLA6456 to wake up.
13) Will they work if they don’t connect to a router for DHCP?
Work, but you can’t manage these two PLA6456 because they only support dhcp
client mode.