
Networking brings convenience and eciency to business environments; however it introduces
signicant security and safety concerns at the same time. Today, businesses or branch oces
really need a complete yet aordable solution that not only bridges communications between
two or more remote sites, but also connects multiple VPNs and ensures data security to prevent
the network from threats.
Safer, more reliable VPN connections
Faster processors today have vastly boosted the capabilities of attackers to decrypt VPN tunnels. Legacy
VPN cryptographic algorithms like Message Digest 5 (MD5) and Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) are no
longer sucient to guarantee secure outbound communications. With supports to the more advanced
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA-2), the VPN Firewall provides the safest VPN connections in its class to
ensure maximum security for business communications.
The complete range of ZyXEL VPN Firewalls deliver reliable, non-stop VPN services with dual-WAN
failover and fallback support. With two WAN connections—one primary and one for redundancy—the
ZyXEL VPN Firewall automatically switches to the backup connection should the primary link fail, and
automatically switches back to the primary connection once it is back online.
To support dynamic, mobile business operations in today’s BYOD (bring your own device) business
environments, the VPN Firewalls oer unlimited business mobility with Layer-2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
VPN for mobile devices. The VPN Firewall supports L2TP/IPSec VPN on a wide variety of mobile Internet
devices running the iOS, Android and Windows mobile platforms.
Zero-conguration remote access
Virtual private networks provide businesses a secure and convenient way of sharing company resources
with partners, customers, or employees on business trips. Yet typical VPN solutions are hard for
non-technical users to congure, which greatly reduces their usability and convenience. The ZyXEL
VPN Firewalls feature Easy VPN to provide auto-provisioned client-to-site IPsec VPN setup. A wizard is
available with the ZyXEL IPsec VPN client-software that automatically retrieves the VPN conguration le
from the remote ZyXEL VPN Firewall and completes the IPsec VPN setup in 3 simple
steps. ZyXELs Easy VPN lowers administration eort and allows partner, customers, or traveling
employees to access company servers, email, or data centers easily and securely.
Comprehensive supports to IPv6
Robust hybrid VPN (IPSec/SSL/L2TP
over IPSec)
High-performance SPI Firewall
Bandwidth management
More secure VPN connections with
SHA-2 cryptographic
Auto-provisioned client-to-site IPsec
setup with Easy VPN
Cloud helper provides the friendly
rmware upgrade to ensure its
authenticity and reliability.
ZyXEL VPN Firewall conforms to
the Payment Card Industry Data
Security Standard (PCI DSS)
VPN Firewall
Ultra-fast Performance for Tomorrow’s
VPN Deployments

Summary of content (8 pages)