Bayer Advanced DuraZone™ Ready-to-Use Weed & Grass Killer - 24 oz.




One treatment of DuraZone™ Weed & Grass Killer creates a continuous-action weed and grass barrier for up to six months! DuraZone™ kills all types of existing weeds and grasses, PLUS prevents new weeds and grasses for up to six months. Use DuraZone™ on driveways, sidewalks, patios, along fences and foundations and around walkways and mulched areas. Use this products on areas outside of your lawn and use Bayer Advanced™ Season Long Weed Control on your lawn for a broadleaf selective weed killer that kills existing weeds and prevents new weeds from growing for up to six months!


1Product LabelEN,ES62022-01-05
2Technical SpecificationsEN82022-01-05