Candy Fresco - The refreshing fridge




(This text is machine translated) Fresco is the brand new Candy floor fridge, designed in Italy and available in different sizes to easily fit in any kitchen. Thanks to the flexible system, you can adapt the interior of the refrigerator to your needs at any time. In addition, with the hOn app, you can exploit the full potential of the refrigerator, both for the models with WiFi connection and for those that can only be controlled via the app. The Air Plus + fan keeps the temperature even and improves the shelf life of the food. You can move your shelves and brackets as you like, and choose up to 100 different interior layout combinations, giving you full storage flexibility. Set the temperature of the fridge and freezer compartments separately thanks to the intuitive integrated display. You can set the temperature of the fridge (from 2° to 8°) and the freezer (from -16° to -24°) ​​independently. Also, you can easily enable all modes (e.g. Holiday and Super Cool) and connect the device to Wi-Fi via the hOn ...


1Energy Label EUEN12022-02-02
2Product SheetCS42022-02-10
3Product Sheet EUCS12022-02-10
4Product Sheet EUIT12022-02-03
5Product SheetDE42022-02-02
6Product SheetIT42022-02-03
7Product SheetPL42022-02-11
8Product SheetSK42022-02-11
9Quick GuideEN22022-02-07