EKEY Decorative cover Assembly, Flush mount, Wall




The ekey frame of basalt in black brushed for the ekey finger scanner flush-mounted is a cover for the ekey finger scanner flush-mounted made of aluminum. The ekey frame of basalt in black brushed for the ekey finger scanner flush-mounted is intended for use in the home and commercial area. The ekey frame of basalt in black brushed for the ekey finger scanner flush-mounted is designed for fixed mounting on the ekey finger scanner flush-mounted and for use in protected outdoor areas. the ekey frame of basalt in black brushed for the finger scanner flush-mounted is an optional component of the ekey finger scanner flush-mounted and can only be used there. The ekey frame basalt is not suitable for flush-mounted sockets of the following types: Helia O-range, Kaiser (1055-xx x 1056-xx), ABB 3040, ABB HW52-FIGD and HW52-F BW. This text is machine translated.

