Fujitsu Wired Remote Control




The Fujitsu UTY-RNNUM is a wall mounted wired remote control thermostat. The system can be controlled with both the wired and wireless remotes simultaneously (with some features restricted). A UTY-TWXFB1 is required for use when connecting an ASU9RLS3Y, ASU12RLS3Y, or ASSU15RLS3Y. A UTY-XCBXZ2 is required for use when connecting an ASU7RLF1, ASU9RLF1, and ASU12RLF1. It is compatible with the following units AGU12RLF AGU9RLF ARU12RLF ARU18RLF ARU24RLF ARU7RLF ARU9RLF ASU12RLF ASU12RLF1 ASU12RLS2 ASU12RLS3 ASU15RLF1 ASU15RLS2 ASU15RLS3 ASU18RLB ASU18RLF ASU24RLB ASU24RLF ASU30RLE ASU30RLXB ASU36RLXB ASU7RLF ASU9RLF ASU9RLF1 ASU9RLS2 ASU9RLS3 AUU12RLF AUU18RLF AUU7RLF AUU9RLF


1Installation ManualEN102022-05-01
2Operation ManualEN142022-05-01