



The Genelec 8020D is a small monitor, but with great ambitions. The 8020D, introduced in 2017, even offers an SPL of 4dB higher and a lower energy consumption compared to the previous 8020 models. Designed to fit to the widest possible range of listening environments, 8020D it thrives when space is precious and draws to the 8000 series innovation for a near-field experience unrivaled. Entrusted to the precise and free reproduction color of the Minimum Diffraction Enclosure (MDE), doing reliance on precise frequency reproduction in axis and off-axis of the Directivity Control Waveguide (DCW). IS when you're done, the Intelligent Signal Sensing circuits (ISS) Genelec detects when your system is no longer in use, putting it in a standby mode that allows the energy saving. From post-production studies to OBs van and DAW-based environments, the 8020D is the solution ideal near-field.


1User ManualEN,FI162019-04-23