Husky Diamond 10 ft. Wide x Custom Length Grey Commercial Grade Vinyl Flooring




The Husky Diamond Universal Flooring is manufactured from tough, specially formulated, solid polyvinyl and has a base thickness of 70 Mil (0.070 in.) and overall thickness of 115 Mil (0.115). This Husky flooring is resistant to most contaminants commonly found in garage and work environments. Helps prevent concrete deterioration, hides cracks and stains, prevents staining on newer floors and creates a moisture barrier. Husky flooring is 100% high quality polyvinyl, not layered with filler material that can crack, split, peel and deteriorate. Perfect DIY flooring. Just roll the product out onto your designated area and enjoy, or for a glue option use an acrylic base vinyl adhesive such as Roberts 2310 or 2315. The Husky flooring can be trimmed to a perfect fit using a straight edge and a utility knife. This product is ten feet wide and you order as many feet long as you need for a custom fit with no waste, up to 100 ft. long in a continuous roll. Orders over 100 ft. will be in 2 or more rolls. Tough enough...


1Installation GuideEN102020-03-28
2Use and Care ManualEN62020-03-28