MAKERFACTORY MAKERFACTORY PCB design board M5Stack ESP32 Gray Development Kit




M5 stack is a modular, stackable ESP 32 Development System. Equipped with the powerful ESP 32 micro-controller. The boards as well as the accessory products can be installed to a housing, since they simply "stacked"/plugged in together. Thus, individual projects can be realized easily and various problems to solve. M5 Stack stands for M = modular, 5 = 5 x 5 cm (size of the module 5.4 x 5.4 cm), stack = stackable (stackable). M5 Stack GRAY is a ESP 32-chip-based development kit, which consists of a gray M5 stack main module and a ground base plate. You can use the M5 Stack GRAY via Arduino, Micro Python or ray program. Gray equips the ESP 32 with everything what to program, execute, and develop on ESP 32 is required. It also features a MEMS chip (MPU6886 + BMM150) and a TFT LCD display. So that you can, for example, a 3D-remote-controlled gesture control controller, a simple "Leap Motion" via gray in a day instead of a few weeks.

