Prestige Remote External Blower: 1200 CFM




Welcome to Prestige, the industry leader in Ventilation Technology and Innovation. Prestige has assembled a team of professionals with over forty years of experience in product design, manufacturing and marketing. This dedicated team has developed a full line of the highest quality, commercial-grade ventilation systems for your home. From the Proline and Pyramid Classic Hoods, to the Power Pack and Hood Liner Inserts to their new Universal Series UIM Insert with blower, Prestige is the first company to offer ventilation solutions designed specifically for professional cooking equipment. Prestige has set a new standard for quiet performance and style in residential range hoods and wood hood inserts. Able to withstand the harshest kitchen environment, Prestige hoods and inserts are powerful enough to remove most heat and grease while operating quiet enough to allow normal conversation. Prestige seamlessly combines flawless form with uncompromising function. Prestige began in 1988 with the first ductless hood...


1Technical SpecificationsEN22021-09-15
2Use & Care ManualEN42021-09-15