Pulverize 1.33 Gal. Non-Selective Weed and Grass Killer RTU




Pulverize Weed and Grass Killer is a fact acting weed, grass, algae and moss killer. Incidental over spray will not stain concrete of pavement. Pulverize Weed and Grass Killer suppresses the growth of some bi-annual and perennial lawn weeds. It can be used in cultivated areas prior to planting grass or flowers. Areas can be re-sown 5-days after lawn treatment. Pulverize Weed and Grass Killer can be used at any time during the year. Best results obtained with young, actively growing weeds, less than 5 in., in size. Use Sites: Around ornamental flowers, mature shrubs and trees; spot treatment in lawns bordering garden areas; bark mulch; around planters, containers, raised beds and other structures holding flowers, trees, shrubs and vegetables; and in planting beds prior to planting grass, flowers or vegetables Shake well before using. Do not dilute. Spray weeds and grasses thoroughly when weather is dry and warm (applications rate: 6-9 oz. /sq. yd.). If rain falls within 3-hours of application an additional...

