QualityLamp DUKANE ImagePro 8805 projector lamp 456-8805, contains original NSH lamp. Performance equal to original




(This text is machine translated) Projector lamp with original NSH lamp including new housing suitable for the DUKANE ImagePro 8805 beamer, manufacturer lamp code 456-8805. Performance equal to original. Specifications: Suitable for : DUKANE ImagePro 8805 Lamp code : 456-8805 Lamp wattage : 200W Lamp type : original NSH Lamp life : equal to original (usually 2000+ hours) Warranty : 4 months This QualityLamp projector lamp is always composed of an original lamp from Philips, Osram, Ushio or Phoenix, a high-quality housing and neutral packaging. Performance is guaranteed by using an original lamp. Frequently asked questions: Is this an original lamp. Hardly any projector manufacturer produces its own lamps. They all use lamps from Philips (UHP), Osram (P-VIP), Ushio (NSH(A)) or Phoenix (SHP) and we use exactly the same original lamps in our QualityLamp projector lamps. How do I replace the projector lamp. A projector lamp is a consumable and will eventually need to be replaced. The procedure is therefore alm...


1User ManualNL62023-02-05