QualityLamp ACER H6510BD projector lamp / AK.BLBJF.Z11, contains original P-VIP lamp. Performance equal to original




(This text is machine translated) Projector lamp with original P-VIP lamp including new housing suitable for the ACER H6510BD beamer, manufacturer lamp code MC. JFZ11. 001 / AK. BLBJF. Z11. Performance equal to original. Specifications: Suitable for : ACER H6510BD Lamp code : MC. JFZ11. 001 / AK. BLBJF. Z11 Lamp wattage : 210W Lamp type : original P-VIP Lamp life : equal to original (usually 2000+ hours) Warranty : 4 months This QualityLamp projector lamp is always composed of an original lamp from Philips, Osram, Ushio or Phoenix, a high-quality housing and neutral packaging. Performance is guaranteed by using an original lamp. Frequently asked questions: Is this an original lamp. Hardly any projector manufacturer produces its own lamps. They all use lamps from Philips (UHP), Osram (P-VIP), Ushio (NSH(A)) or Phoenix (SHP) and we use exactly the same original lamps in our QualityLamp projector lamps. How do I replace the projector lamp. A projector lamp is a consumable and will eventually need to be replac...


1User ManualNL62023-02-06