Sennheiser Digital 2-channel receiver for live production applications

EM 6000



Digital 2-channel receiver for live productions and transmissions, even in the toughest environments. Huge spectral efficiency with equidistant frequency grid and true bit diversity. Analog and digital outputs (XLR, jack, AES-3, redundant Dante™), high-contrast OLED display with LQI indicator.


13rd party control of products using media control protocolsEN72023-01-23
2Dante Firmware Update using the Audinate Firmware Update ManagerEN12023-01-23
3Instruction manual - Digital 6000 (v4.0)EN2002023-01-23
4Outline dimensions / EM 6000 DANTEDE,EN22023-01-23
5Product Specification Control Cockpit 6.0.1EN52023-01-23
6Product specificationDE,EN62023-01-23
7Quick Guide | EM 6000 DANTEEN22023-01-23
8Release Notes – Firmware v3.2.1 (incl. SKM 6000 v1.1.51 & SK 6212 v1.3.23)SK32023-01-23
9Safety instructions | L6000DE,PL22023-01-23
10Software License Information for DanteEN162023-01-23
11Sound Control Protocol Digital 6000 (EM 6000 | L 6000)EN,FR572023-01-23